
Method and Instrument for Gas Permeability Tests for Multi-layer Packaging Films

Complex films, multi-layer structures made from various materials, play a vital role in modern packaging. Their ability to impede gas transmission is crucial for maintaining product freshness and shelf life. However, accurately testing the gas barrier properties of these films presents unique challenges due to their layered construction.

Testing complex films is challenging. Firstly, the influence of Multi-layer. The layered structure of complex films can influence gas flow patterns within the material. This differs from single-layer films where gas transmission is more straightforward. Package edge leakage is another possible challenge. Unsealed edges on complex film specimens can become leakage points during testing. This compromises the accuracy of the test results by allowing gas to bypass the intended measurement path.

To overcome these challenges and ensure reliable test results, strict edge sealing of complex film specimens is paramount. This minimizes edge leakage and guarantees gas transmission occurs solely through the film itself.

Gas barrier property testers typically employ various methods to measure gas transmission rates through the film sample. Common methods include:

Differential Pressure Method: Measures the pressure difference across the film specimen as gas permeates through it.

Labthink VAC-V2 Gas Permeability Tester is based on the differential pressure method, and is professionally applicable to the determination of gas transmission rate as well as solubility coefficient, diffusion coefficient and permeability coefficient of plastic films, composite films, high barrier materials, sheeting and aluminum foils.

Electrochemical Detection: Utilizes sensors that detect specific gas molecules passing through the film.

C203H Oxygen Transmission Rate Test System is based on Coulometric oxygen analysis sensor and equal pressure test method, and is conforming to ASTM D 3985 and other standards. It provides high-precision and high-efficiency oxygen permeability tests for high gas barrier materials. During a test, Oxygen molecules are carried to the sensor. Through the analysis of the oxygen concentration measured by the sensor, the oxygen transmittance is calculated.

Gravimetric Method: Measures minute weight changes in the film specimen caused by gas permeation.

C360M Water Vapor Transmission Rate Test System is designed and manufactured based on the gravimetric determination method and conforms to the requirements of ASTM E96. This instrument can be used to measure the water vapor transmission rate of barrier materials.

In conclusion, accurate gas barrier property testing of complex films is essential for optimizing packaging design and material selection. By employing proper edge sealing techniques and utilizing reliable testing instruments, manufacturers can ensure their complex films deliver the desired level of protection for packaged products. This not only leads to improved product quality and shelf life but also contributes to a more sustainable packaging industry by minimizing material waste.

As the demand for functional packaging materials grows, testing methods are evolving to ensure a more comprehensive evaluation of packaging films.

Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging industry companies for quality control! Visit the website www.labthink.com to learn more!


Test the Barrier Properties of Coated Paper as Plastics packaging’s Sustainable Alternatives

Keywords: Coated Paperboard, Permeability Testing, Oxygen Permeability, Water Vapor Permeability, Sustainable Packaging, Differential Pressure Method, ASTM D1434, Cup Method, ASTM E96, Single-Use Plastics Replacement, environmentally friendly materials

The global shift away from single-use plastics has driven increased demand for paper and paperboard packaging. However, traditional polyethylene (PE) coated options often pose environmental concerns due to slow degradation in landfills. This report explores the growing need for measuring the permeability properties of coated paper and paperboard alternatives.

The current focus is on coated paper and paperboard designed as replacements for single-use plastics. Differential pressure based on ASTM D1434 standard is applied for materials Oxygen and Gas Permeability Testing. Labthink C101B, C106H, C130H and VAC-V2 are Gas Permeability Test Systems adopting Differential pressure method providing a wide range of test specifications and abilities.

C106H Gas Permeability Test System is based on the differential pressure method, and is professionally applicable to the determination of gas transmission rate, solubility coefficient, diffusion coefficient and permeability coefficient of plastic films, composite films, high barrier materials, sheets, and metal foils at different temperatures.

For Water Vapor Permeability Testing ASTM E96 compliance cup method is adopted. Labthink C360H and C360M Water Vapor Transmission Rate Testers designed and manufactured conforming ASTM E96.

C360H Water Vapor Transmission Rate Test System can be used to measure the water vapor transmission rate of barrier materials. C360H is equipped with precision made test dishes, highly accurate balance, embedded professional software which supports automatic controlling of temperature, humidity and flow rate precisely and guarantees the testing sensitivity and repeatability of the test results. C360H is applicable to determination of water vapor permeability of plastic films, sheeting, paper, packages and other packaging materials in food, pharmaceutical, medical apparatus, building materials and consumer goods, etc.

This test results highlight the importance of testing the permeability of coated paper and paperboard packaging. The methods described (differential pressure for gas and cup method for water vapor) enable manufacturers to ensure their products meet required barrier properties. This is crucial for maintaining product quality and shelf life while minimizing environmental impact.

As the use of coated paper and paperboard packaging grows, reliable testing methods are essential for developing sustainable solutions. The Labthink instruments and methods discussed in this report offer efficient and accurate ways to measure gas and water vapor permeability, allowing manufacturers to optimize packaging performance and contribute to a more sustainable future.

As the demand for functional packaging materials grows, testing methods are evolving to ensure a more comprehensive evaluation of packaging films.

Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging industry companies for quality control! Visit the website www.labthink.com to learn more!

Beyond Room Temperature: Data Fitting for Accurate Plastic Wrap Permeability Evaluation in Cold Storage

Plastic wrap is a prevalent method for fruit and vegetable storage, influencing shelf life through its gas permeability properties. Ideal wrap materials allow controlled respiration (oxygen intake) while minimizing spoilage. Cold storage further restricts respiration rates.

Traditionally, permeability testing is conducted at room temperature. However, this approach has limitations. Fruits and vegetables are typically stored under colder conditions, and room temperature testing may not accurately reflect real-world permeability behavior.

To simulate the real storage condition, a novel method for calculating plastic wrap permeability at lower storage temperatures using data fitting is introduced. This technique leverages permeability data obtained from room-temperature testing to mathematically predict permeability at colder temperatures.

The test instrument Labthink VAC-V2 for measuring the Oxygen permeability of plastic film. It is capable of automatic temperature control and can be used for testing at various temperatures (5°C ~ 95°C). The instrument has a data fitting feature. The data fitting method offers several advantages over traditional approaches. It eliminates the need for permeability testing in low-temperature environments, which can be challenging and time-consuming. It provides more accurate permeability data relevant to actual storage conditions. Furthermore, it is applicable to various plastic wrap materials.

As the demand for functional packaging materials grows, testing methods are evolving to ensure a more comprehensive evaluation of packaging films.

Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging industry companies for quality control! Visit the website www.labthink.com to learn more!


Differential Pressure vs. Equal Pressure Methods Tester for Measuring Film Gas Permeability

Keywords: Film Permeability Testing, Differential Pressure Method, Vacuum Process, Volume Method, Equal Pressure Method, Oxygen Permeation Testing

Film permeability testing plays a crucial role in material and quality control for flexible packaging. This report focuses on two main test methods for auto gas permeability: differential pressure and equal pressure.

Differential Pressure Method

The differential pressure method is the established standard for scientific research due to its versatility and ability to test various gases. It operates by creating a pressure difference across the film sample. Two sub-methods exist within this category:

Vacuum Process: This method utilizes a 0.1MPa pressure difference to measure gas transmission rate. High-precision vacuum gauges ensure accurate and repeatable measurements.

Volume Method: This simpler and cheaper alternative eliminates the need for a vacuum state, making instrument manufacturing less complex.

C106H Gas Permeability Test System is based on the differential pressure method, and is professionally applicable to the determination of gas transmission rate, solubility coefficient, diffusion coefficient and permeability coefficient of plastic films, composite films, high barrier materials, sheets, and metal foils at different temperatures. The test system conforms to GB, ISO, ASTM and other international standards.

Equal Pressure Method

Primarily used for oxygen permeation testing, the equal pressure method employs a sensor to detect oxygen permeating the film under a difference in oxygen partial pressure. While simpler to operate, the sensor requires periodic replacement due to its consumable nature. But with the latest Labthink technical achievements Coulometric Oxygen Sensor has a service life twice the service life of a traditional Coulometric sensor.

C403H Oxygen /Water Vapor Transmission Rate Test System is based on the testing principle of Coulometric oxygen sensor and infrared water vapor sensor. Its duo sensors allow it to test oxygen and water vapor transmission rate in one instrument, greatly enhance the test precision and efficiency. The instrument conforms to ASTM D3985、ASTM F1249,ISO 15106-2, etc. It is suitable for testing the oxygen and water vapor transmission performance of films, sheets and related materials in the fields of food, medicine, medical devices, daily chemicals, photovoltaic, electronic and many others.

Comparison and Conclusion

The differential pressure method offers advantages in versatility, accuracy, and the ability to test various gases. However, the equal pressure method provides a simpler and potentially more cost-effective solution for specific oxygen permeability testing. Both methods have their limitations, and the choice depends on the specific testing requirements.

Future Trends

Advancements in technology are continuously improving instruments used in these methods. These improvements focus on enhancing precision, expanding functionalities, and incorporating features like temperature control.

As the demand for functional packaging materials grows, testing methods are evolving to ensure a more comprehensive evaluation of packaging films.

Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging industry companies for quality control! Visit the website www.labthink.com to learn more!


Simulating Real-World Stresses: Flex Durability and Water Vapor Transmission Rate (WVTR) Testing for Aluminum Plastic Composite (APC) Film

Aluminum plastic composite film (APCF) is a popular choice for pharmaceutical packaging due to its excellent barrier properties against moisture and oxygen. This helps extend the shelf life and maintain the quality of sensitive medications. However, the film's effectiveness can be compromised during various stages like forming, filling, sealing, and transportation. This article discusses the importance of testing the moisture barrier property of APC film after simulating these stresses.


APCF typically consists of layers of plastic film bonded to a central aluminum layer. The aluminum acts as the primary barrier against moisture vapor transmission (MVTR). However, flexing the film during processing can create pinholes or weaknesses in the aluminum layer, allowing moisture to penetrate and potentially degrade the pharmaceuticals.

To ensure the integrity of the moisture barrier, manufacturers and users perform water vapor permeability (WVP) tests on APC film samples. These tests are conducted after subjecting the film to a flex durability test, mimicking the stresses encountered during real-world scenarios.

Flex Durability Test (ASTM F392): This standard outlines the procedure for simulating flexing experienced by packaging materials. Specimens of the APC film are mounted in a Labthink C681M Flex Durability Tester. The tester applies a combination of twisting and horizontal motions for a specified duration (e.g., 6 minutes or 270 cycles) at standard atmospheric conditions (23°C and 50% relative humidity).


After the flex durability test, the WVP of the stressed film samples is measured using a Labthink C360M Water Vapor Transmission Rate Tester for a water vapor transmission rate test. This instrument employs a gravimetric method (cup method) where a specific amount of water is placed in a dish. The APC film sample is then mounted on the dish, creating a sealed chamber. The entire assembly is placed in a controlled environment, and the amount of water vapor permeating through the film over time is measured. The instrument automatically conducts the test and provides the final WVP result.


By measuring the WVP after the flex durability test, manufacturers and users can evaluate the effectiveness of the APC film in maintaining its moisture barrier properties under real-world stresses; ensure the film meets the WVP requirements for specific pharmaceutical packaging applications; and identify any potential weaknesses in the film's structure or manufacturing process that could compromise its moisture barrier performance.

Regular testing with these instruments helps ensure the ongoing quality and effectiveness of APC film in protecting pharmaceuticals from moisture-related degradation throughout the product lifecycle.

As the demand for functional packaging materials grows, testing methods are evolving to ensure a more comprehensive evaluation of packaging films.

Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging industry companies for quality control! Visit the website www.labthink.com to learn more!


Leak Detection Methods for Safeguarding Sterility of Medical Device Packaging

Keywords: Medical packaging integrity, leak testing, bubble method, vacuum method, ASTM standards.

Medical devices rely on sterile packaging to ensure patient safety. Leakage can compromise sterility, so manufacturers rigorously test package integrity. This article explores two key methods for leak detection: the bubble method and the vacuum method.

The bubble method (ASTM F2096) works by pressurizing the sealed package underwater. If leaks exist, escaping air forms a stream of bubbles, revealing the breach. This method is versatile, handling various package shapes and sizes. However, pressure control is critical. Too little pressure might miss leaks, while too much can damage the packaging or create misleading bubble patterns for porous materials. The key is to find the right balance, starting with a quick initial pressure increase followed by a slower, controlled rise until a steady stream of bubbles appears.

Labthink C660B Leak and Seal Strength Tester is professionally designed for the leakage tests of packages for food, drugs, medical instruments, household chemical products, cars, electronic components, stationeries and other industrial products. The instrument also can be used to test seal performance of specimens after falling and compression tests.

The vacuum method (ASTM D3078) takes a different approach. The sealed package is submerged in a liquid-filled container placed within a vacuum chamber. As the pressure inside the chamber decreases, leaks allow air or liquid to enter the package, creating visible bubbles or liquid ingress. The higher the vacuum level, the smaller the leaks it can detect. However, this method has limitations. Flexible packaging with excess headspace can affect test accuracy. Additionally, trapped air pockets might mimic leaks, requiring careful observation.

The ideal method depends on the specific packaging and its characteristics. The bubble method offers versatility, while the vacuum method excels at detecting smaller leaks.

Both methods rely on precise pressure control and careful observation. Standardized protocols and qualified equipment are essential for reliable results.

As the demand for functional packaging materials grows, testing methods are evolving to ensure a more comprehensive evaluation of packaging films.

Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging industry companies for quality control! Visit the website www.labthink.com to learn more!


Challenges in Testing Oxygen Permeability of Bottles

Traditional Testing has many Limitations. For example, film-based testing doesn't reflect actual bottle properties due to manufacturing variations. Packages come in various shapes and sizes, making testing difficult. Laboratory temperature needs to be strictly controlled.

ASTM F1307-02 standard for oxygen transmission rate states an alternative test method using a coulometric sensor. This method involves exposing the outside of a package to a known oxygen concentration while purging the inside with nitrogen. By applying different sealing methods, various types of package can be tested (bottles, pouches, etc.).

Labthink C230H Oxygen Transmission Rate Test System is designed and manufactured based on the coulometric sensor method. This instrument offers dual testing capabilities for films and packages. The unique fixing structure allows for strong sealing around container openings.

As the demand for functional packaging materials grows, testing methods are evolving to ensure a more comprehensive evaluation of packaging films.

Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging industry companies for quality control! Visit the website www.labthink.com to learn more!


The Role of Diffusion Coefficient in Flexible packaging Permeability Testing

Diffusion coefficient refers to the ability of a material, like a film, to transmit molecules through it due to thermal motion. Imagine tiny gas particles constantly jiggling around. The diffusion coefficient tells you how easily these particles can move through the film pores or spaces between molecules in the film material.

In the context of packaging, diffusion coefficient is particularly important for flexible packaging films. These films are used to store food, medicine, and other products.

Labthink VAC-V2 Gas Permeability Tester can measure diffusion coefficient alongside other parameters like solubility coefficient and permeability coefficient. It automates the testing process and offers curve fitting functions for analysis.

A good packaging film should have a low diffusion coefficient for gases like oxygen or moisture. This helps prevent these gases from spoiling the product inside by:

  • Limiting oxygen transmission: This is crucial for food items that can oxidize and spoil if exposed to too much oxygen.
  • Minimizing moisture transfer: This helps prevent moisture-sensitive products from absorbing moisture and losing their quality.

By understanding the diffusion coefficient of a film, manufacturers can choose the most suitable material for a specific product, ensuring it has a longer shelf life and maintains its quality.

As the demand for functional packaging materials grows, testing methods are evolving to include parameters like diffusion coefficient that directly impact barrier performance. This ensures a more comprehensive evaluation of packaging films.

Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging industry companies for quality control! Visit the website www.labthink.com to learn more!


Selecting a Right Gas Permeability Testing Instrument for Packaging Quality

Gas permeability testing is crucial for various industries, ensuring the shelf life and quality of packaged goods. However, with an increasing number of instruments and methods, obtaining consistent and accurate results can be challenging. This article explores two key factors to consider when choosing a gas permeability testing instrument: blank test data and test result repeatability.

The Challenge of Consistent Results

The accuracy of gas permeability testing is influenced by various factors, including the instrument's design, sensor precision, and even the test environment. These factors can lead to discrepancies between instruments from different manufacturers. To address this challenge, the article proposes two evaluation criteria:

Blank Test Data: This test reflects the instrument's inherent errors arising from system leakage and other uncontrollable factors. A reliable blank test involves sealing a gas-impermeable material in the instrument and measuring the pressure change over time. Lower pressure changes indicate a more accurate instrument.

Test Result Repeatability: Repeatability refers to the instrument's ability to produce consistent results for multiple tests on the same sample. Statistical measures like standard deviation and coefficient of variation help evaluate repeatability. A higher repeatability signifies a more reliable instrument.

Labthink C106H Gas Permeability Tester is an automatic test equipment. Take the blank test with a copper foil specimen as an example, this test demonstrates the instrument’s minimal influence from temperature and humidity fluctuations. Additionally, repeatability data from oxygen permeability tests on various specimens highlight the impact of material permeability on data variation.

In conclusion, by considering both blank test data and test result repeatability, researchers and quality control professionals can make informed decisions when selecting gas permeability testing instruments. These criteria provide a comprehensive evaluation of the instrument's inherent errors and its ability to deliver consistent results across different materials and permeability ranges.

Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging industry companies for quality control! Visit the website www.labthink.com to learn more!


A Multi-faceted Approach to Effective Food and Medicine Packaging Testing

Keywords: Gas composition, Shelf life, Barrier property, Air-tightness, Head-space gas analysis, Leak detection, Permeation testing

Packaging quality is of great importance in maintaining food and medicine quality. Even with controlled gas mixtures and high-barrier materials, gas composition inside packages can change over time, impacting product shelf life.

Test methods and instruments are designed to assess factors affecting gas composition:

Barrier Property: This test measures a material's resistance to gas permeation. Labthink permeation test series test high barrier material packages, providing a more accurate picture.

Air-tightness: Leakage can significantly compromise packaging. For soft packages, positive pressure methods (Labthink C660M Leak and Seal Strength Tester) inflate the package to identify weak points. Negative pressure methods create a vacuum to achieve the same goal (Labthink C660B Leak and Seal tester). Screw-top containers are tested for seal integrity between cap and bottle using similar instruments.

HeadSpace Gas Analysis: This test analyzes the gas composition in the empty space at the top of a package. It helps assess remaining gases after packaging and the release of adsorbed gases over time. Labthink C650M and C650H Headspace Gas Analyzer are developed for this purpose. Analyzing the gas concentration curve allows for a more comprehensive understanding.

Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging industry companies for quality control! Visit the website www.labthink.com to learn more!


Testing Methods for Functionality and Appeal of Cosmetics Packaging


Keywords: Preservation Testing, Barrier property, oxygen permeation rate, vapor permeation rate, organic gas permeation rate, sealing performance, head space air analysis, Appearance Testing, Printing quality, ink abrasion resistance, ink fastness, color accuracy, adhesive tag testing, easiness of opening, torque test, tearing performance, friction

Cosmetic packaging plays a critical role in preserving the product and influencing consumer perception. To ensure quality, various tests are conducted on the packaging materials and final containers.

Preserving the Product:

Barrier Property Testing: This assesses the material's ability to block oxygen, water vapor, and organic gases. Instruments like the Labthink C203H measure oxygen permeation rate, while theC306H checks vapor permeation rate. A new tester, with Labthink C403H, both oxygen and water vapor transmission rate can be tested at once. C130H evaluates organic gas permeation crucial for fragrance preservation.

C203H Oxygen Transmission Rate Test System is based on Coulometric oxygen analysis sensor and equal pressure test method, and is conforming to ASTM D 3985 and other standards. It provides high precision and efficiency oxygen permeability tests for high barrier materials. It is suitable for testing thin films, sheets and related materials in the fields of food, medicine, medical devices and others.

C306H Water Vapor Transmission Rate Test System is designed and manufactured based on infrared sensor method and conforms to the requirements of ASTM F1249 and ISO 15106-2. This instrument can be used to measure the water vapor transmission rate of barrier materials with high and medium moisture barrier properties with a wide testing range and high testing efficiency.

C403H Oxygen /Water Vapor Transmission Rate Test System is based on the testing principle of Coulometric oxygen sensor and infrared water vapor sensor. It is designed and manufactured according to ASTM D3985、ASTM F1249,ISO 15106-2 and other standards to provide high precision and efficiency oxygen and water vapor transmission rate tests for high barrier materials.

Sealing Performance Testing: Leakage points are identified using positive or negative pressure methods. The Labthink C660M tester can assess sealing strength of tubes, caps, and bags.

Head Space Air Analysis: The Labthink C650M Headspace Gas Analyzer measures the remaining air volume in sealed packages, particularly oxygen and carbon dioxide. This ensures the air content doesn't compromise product shelf life.

Ensuring Appealing Packaging:

Printing Quality Testing: Regular tests include ink abrasion resistance (scratching), ink fastness, and color accuracy. The Labthink RT-01 Abrasion Tester is commonly used.

Adhesive Tag Testing: Adhesive performance is evaluated through tests like the tilt iron ball rolling test (measures initial adhesion) and peeling strength tests (C610H Tensile tester).

Easiness of Opening: Torque testers assess the force required to open/close bottle caps, ensuring a user-friendly experience. Packages with tearing sections are evaluated for tearing performance and friction, considering both material properties and consumer interaction.

In conclusion, by employing these test methods and instruments, cosmetic packaging manufacturers can ensure their products meet quality standards for both preservation and consumer appeal. This knowledge helps identify and address potential issues during the design phase, leading to improved product usability, protection, and overall market success.

Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging industry companies for quality control! Visit the website www.labthink.com to learn more!


Tests to Optimize Rosin Jointing and Barrier Properties in Multi-Chamber Infusion Bags

Keywords: Multi-chamber infusion bag, rosin jointing, barrier properties, medical packaging

Multi-chamber infusion bags are a new type of packaging that is gaining popularity in the medical field. They address the limitations of traditional glass bottles and single-chamber plastic bags. These chambers can hold different medications separately until they are ready to be mixed for use. This design offers several advantages, including:

  • Improved safety: By keeping medications separated until use, the risk of contamination and instability is reduced.
  • Easier and more accurate medication dispensing
  • Reduced risk of errors during mixing
  • Better suitability for emergencies

There are some key considerations in Multi-chamber Infusion Bag Production. First of all, rosin jointing. This is the sealing technique used to connect the chambers. It must be strong enough to prevent leakage before use but weak enough to allow for easy opening by medical personnel. The swelling test of the whole bag is a more useful method to assess the sealing performance of rosin joints compared to the tensile strength test.

Labthink C660M Leak and Seal Strength Tester is professionally applicable to quantitative determination of seal strength, seal quality, burst pressure, seal integrity, compression resistance, torsion force and joint/disengaging force of various flexible packages, aseptic packages, plastic tamper-evident closures, flexible tubes, caps and other materials.

Barrier properties are also crucial to multi-chamber infusion bag. The bag material should have good barrier properties to protect the medication from factors such as oxygen and water vapor that can cause deterioration. While the current standards do not require testing the oxygen permeation rate of the bag itself, this is still an important factor to consider for choosing packaging materials.

Labthink C406H Oxygen /Water Vapor Transmission Rate Test System is based on the testing principle of Coulometric oxygen sensor and infrared water vapor sensor. It conforms to ASTM D3985、ASTM F1249,ISO 15106-2 and other standards to provide high precision and efficiency oxygen and water vapor transmission rate tests for high barrier materials. It is suitable for testing the oxygen and water vapor transmission performance of films, sheets and related materials in the fields of food, medicine, medical devices and many others.

In conclusion, multi-chamber infusion bags are a promising development in medical packaging. They offer several advantages over traditional options and can help to improve the safety and convenience of infusion treatments.

Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging industry companies for quality control! Visit the website www.labthink.com to learn more!


Integral Package Barrier Property Testing Ensuring Package Quality

Keywords: Complete Container, Entire Finished Package Seal and Overall Barrier Properties and Functionality from Oxygen & Moisture

Traditionally, barrier property testing was limited to films, leaving manufacturers and users of finished packages with limited data on the actual performance of their products. This gap led to potential quality issues. Thankfully, advancements in integral package barrier property testing have addressed this concern.

There are three main testing methods for integral packages:

Equal Pressure Method: This method is suitable for various packages, including bottles, pouches, and blisters. It works by introducing a test gas (like oxygen) on one side of the package and a carrier gas on the other. The sensor measures the amount of transmitted gas to determine the package's barrier property.

žDifferential Pressure Method: This method is ideal for measuring transmission rates of various gases but requires special techniques to maintain package shape under pressure differences.

žWeighing Method: This traditional method for water vapor transmission involves placing a desiccant inside the package and monitoring weight changes over time. However, it has limitations like long testing times and the need to open the package.

žSensor Method: This method offers a faster and more automated alternative to the weighing method. It utilizes a sensor to measure water vapor transmission through the package wall under a controlled humidity environment.

Integral package barrier property testing plays a crucial role in ensuring package quality. By measuring gas and water vapor transmission rates, manufacturers can:

žSelect appropriate materials: Choose packaging materials that effectively protect the product from external elements like oxygen, moisture, or contaminants.

žOptimize package design: Ensure proper sealing and minimize leaks that could compromise product quality.

žPredict shelf life: Estimate how long a product will maintain its quality within the packaging.

žIdentify potential failures: Detect weak spots in the package that could lead to product spoilage or degradation.

In conclusion, integral package barrier property testing offers valuable insights into the performance of finished packages. By employing various testing methods and instruments, manufacturers can ensure the quality and shelf life of their products, ultimately benefiting consumers.

Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging industry companies for quality control! Visit the website www.labthink.com to learn more!


Tests for Protection and Convenience of Candy Packaging

Candy packaging plays a vital role in both protecting the candy and influencing customer choices. Different candies require different packaging materials due to variations in moisture content. 

For example, candies that lose moisture easily need packaging with good moisture barrier properties. To ensure quality, candy packages undergo various tests. Barrier property testing measures how well the packaging protects the candy from oxygen and moisture vapor. This test is done on both the packaging materials and the finished product.

C403H Oxygen /Water Vapor Transmission Rate Test System is based on the testing principle of Coulometric oxygen sensor and infrared water vapor sensor. It conforms to ASTM D3985ASTM F1249ISO 15106-2 and other standards to provide high precision and efficiency oxygen and water vapor transmission rate tests for high gas barrier materials. It suits testing the oxygen and water vapor transmission performance of films, sheets and related materials in the fields of food, medicine, medical devices and many others.


Sealing performance testing identifies leaks in the packaging. This is important to prevent spoilage and maintain freshness. There are two main methods for this test: positive pressure and negative pressure. For candy packaging, the positive pressure method is more commonly used.


C660M Leak and Seal Strength Tester is professionally applicable to quantitative determination of seal strength, seal quality, burst pressure, seal integrity, compression resistance, torsion force and joint/disengaging force of various flexible packages, aseptic packages, plastic tamper-evident closures, flexible tubes, caps and other materials.


Pressure and burst resistance testing evaluates how well the packaging withstands pressure during storage and transportation. This helps to prevent damage and ensure the candy arrives at the consumer in good condition.

Open force testing measures how easy it is to open the candy package. A proper seal strength is necessary to avoid the package being too difficult to open or coming unsealed during storage.

C610H Auto Tensile Tester is professionally applicable to measurement of tensile, peeling, deformation, tearing, heat sealing, adhesive, puncture force, opening force, pulling force and low speed unwrapping force as well as other properties of plastic films, composite materials, soft package materials, plastic flexible tube, adhesives, adhesive tapes, label stickers, medical plasters, release paper, protective films, combined caps, aluminum foils, diaphragms, back sheets, non-woven fabrics, rubber and paper, etc.

Printing tests ensure that the candy packaging is attractive and safe for consumers. This includes testing for harmful substances in the ink and for the rub resistance of the printing to prevent damage during transport.


RT-01 Rub Tester is professionally designed for the abrasion resistance test of surface coating layers of printed materials, e.g. ink layer or photosensitive (PS) coating. This instrument could effectively analyze the problems of poor abrasion resistance, ink layer falling off and poor hardness of coating layers of printed materials.

C830H Migration & Non-volatile-matter Content Tester is applicable to determination of migration and non-volatile matter contents, which can be widely used for determination of migration of various packaging materials for food and their products, non-volatile contents of packaging materials for pharmaceuticals, total solids, water and fat of food, water and insoluble substances of pharmaceuticals and food additives. The instrument supports fast evaporation mode and efficient reagent recycling function so that water, trichloromethane, acetic acid, ethanol, n-hexane and other reagents can be used to improve the testing efficiency.


By performing these tests, candy manufacturers can ensure that their packaging protects the candy and provides a positive experience for consumers.

Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging industry companies for quality control! Visit the website www.labthink.com to learn more!