
Testing Methods for Functionality and Appeal of Cosmetics Packaging


Keywords: Preservation Testing, Barrier property, oxygen permeation rate, vapor permeation rate, organic gas permeation rate, sealing performance, head space air analysis, Appearance Testing, Printing quality, ink abrasion resistance, ink fastness, color accuracy, adhesive tag testing, easiness of opening, torque test, tearing performance, friction

Cosmetic packaging plays a critical role in preserving the product and influencing consumer perception. To ensure quality, various tests are conducted on the packaging materials and final containers.

Preserving the Product:

Barrier Property Testing: This assesses the material's ability to block oxygen, water vapor, and organic gases. Instruments like the Labthink C203H measure oxygen permeation rate, while theC306H checks vapor permeation rate. A new tester, with Labthink C403H, both oxygen and water vapor transmission rate can be tested at once. C130H evaluates organic gas permeation crucial for fragrance preservation.

C203H Oxygen Transmission Rate Test System is based on Coulometric oxygen analysis sensor and equal pressure test method, and is conforming to ASTM D 3985 and other standards. It provides high precision and efficiency oxygen permeability tests for high barrier materials. It is suitable for testing thin films, sheets and related materials in the fields of food, medicine, medical devices and others.

C306H Water Vapor Transmission Rate Test System is designed and manufactured based on infrared sensor method and conforms to the requirements of ASTM F1249 and ISO 15106-2. This instrument can be used to measure the water vapor transmission rate of barrier materials with high and medium moisture barrier properties with a wide testing range and high testing efficiency.

C403H Oxygen /Water Vapor Transmission Rate Test System is based on the testing principle of Coulometric oxygen sensor and infrared water vapor sensor. It is designed and manufactured according to ASTM D3985、ASTM F1249,ISO 15106-2 and other standards to provide high precision and efficiency oxygen and water vapor transmission rate tests for high barrier materials.

Sealing Performance Testing: Leakage points are identified using positive or negative pressure methods. The Labthink C660M tester can assess sealing strength of tubes, caps, and bags.

Head Space Air Analysis: The Labthink C650M Headspace Gas Analyzer measures the remaining air volume in sealed packages, particularly oxygen and carbon dioxide. This ensures the air content doesn't compromise product shelf life.

Ensuring Appealing Packaging:

Printing Quality Testing: Regular tests include ink abrasion resistance (scratching), ink fastness, and color accuracy. The Labthink RT-01 Abrasion Tester is commonly used.

Adhesive Tag Testing: Adhesive performance is evaluated through tests like the tilt iron ball rolling test (measures initial adhesion) and peeling strength tests (C610H Tensile tester).

Easiness of Opening: Torque testers assess the force required to open/close bottle caps, ensuring a user-friendly experience. Packages with tearing sections are evaluated for tearing performance and friction, considering both material properties and consumer interaction.

In conclusion, by employing these test methods and instruments, cosmetic packaging manufacturers can ensure their products meet quality standards for both preservation and consumer appeal. This knowledge helps identify and address potential issues during the design phase, leading to improved product usability, protection, and overall market success.

Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging industry companies for quality control! Visit the website www.labthink.com to learn more!

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