
Beyond Room Temperature: Data Fitting for Accurate Plastic Wrap Permeability Evaluation in Cold Storage

Plastic wrap is a prevalent method for fruit and vegetable storage, influencing shelf life through its gas permeability properties. Ideal wrap materials allow controlled respiration (oxygen intake) while minimizing spoilage. Cold storage further restricts respiration rates.

Traditionally, permeability testing is conducted at room temperature. However, this approach has limitations. Fruits and vegetables are typically stored under colder conditions, and room temperature testing may not accurately reflect real-world permeability behavior.

To simulate the real storage condition, a novel method for calculating plastic wrap permeability at lower storage temperatures using data fitting is introduced. This technique leverages permeability data obtained from room-temperature testing to mathematically predict permeability at colder temperatures.

The test instrument Labthink VAC-V2 for measuring the Oxygen permeability of plastic film. It is capable of automatic temperature control and can be used for testing at various temperatures (5°C ~ 95°C). The instrument has a data fitting feature. The data fitting method offers several advantages over traditional approaches. It eliminates the need for permeability testing in low-temperature environments, which can be challenging and time-consuming. It provides more accurate permeability data relevant to actual storage conditions. Furthermore, it is applicable to various plastic wrap materials.

As the demand for functional packaging materials grows, testing methods are evolving to ensure a more comprehensive evaluation of packaging films.

Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging industry companies for quality control! Visit the website www.labthink.com to learn more!

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