ISO 18369 provides a general framework and defines terms related to contact lenses, including oxygen permeability. It specifically outlines the procedures for both polarographic and coulometric methods. ISO 9913 focuses specifically on the coulometric method for measuring oxygen permeability. It provides detailed instructions on the equipment, calibration, and testing procedures.
Labthink C230H Oxygen Transmission Rate Test System is designed and manufactured based on the coulometric sensor method. This instrument can be used to measure the oxygen transmission rate of materials with high and medium barrier properties with high accuracy and high efficiency.
This testing is crucial for both manufacturers and wearers. It allows manufacturers to develop and refine lens materials that prioritize eye health. For wearers, it ensures they choose lenses that provide sufficient oxygen, promoting comfort and reducing the risk of complications.
As the demand for functional materials grows, testing methods are evolving to ensure a more comprehensive evaluation. Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging and materials industries companies for quality control! Visit the website to learn more!