
Advanced Oxygen and Water Vapour Permeation Test Instruments for High Barrier Material

The increasing demand for high barrier property materials across various industries has spurred significant research and development efforts. However, accurately testing these materials poses unique challenges.

High barrier materials exhibit extremely low gas transmission rates and require extended periods to reach equilibrium. These characteristics demand exceptional instrument performance. Key requirements include superior sealing, highly sensitive sensors, and a stable system zero. Additionally, environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and vibration can significantly impact test results.

To ensure reliable data, instrument selection is critical. For differential-pressure methods, low testing limits, high vacuum degrees, and environmental control are essential. Equal-pressure methods necessitate similar environmental controls and effective gas source handling. Weighing methods benefit from automation, while sensor methods require precise sensors and robust environmental control, especially for infrared sensors.

Labthink C130H Gas Permeability Tester is based on the differential pressure method, and is professionally applicable to the determination of gas transmission rate, solubility coefficient, diffusion coefficient and permeability coefficient of plastic films, composite films, high barrier materials, sheets, and metal foils at different temperatures. The testing process conforms to GB, ISO, ASTM and other international standards.

Labthink C406H Oxygen /Water Vapor Transmission Rate Test System is based on the testing principle of Coulometric oxygen sensor (Equal-pressure method) and infrared water vapor sensor. It is designed and manufactured according to ASTM D3985、ASTM F1249,ISO 15106-2 and other relevant standards to provide high precision and high efficiency oxygen and water vapor transmission rate tests for high and medium gas barrier materials. It is suitable for testing the oxygen and water vapor transmission performance of films, sheets and related materials in the fields of food, medicine, medical devices, daily chemicals, photovoltaic, electronic and many others.

By understanding the specific challenges of testing high barrier materials and carefully selecting instruments with appropriate features, researchers and manufacturers can achieve more accurate and reliable results.

Key considerations for testing high barrier materials include sealing, sensor precision, system zero stability, environmental control, and proper testing procedures.

As the demand for functional packaging materials grows, testing methods are evolving to ensure a more comprehensive evaluation of packaging films. Labthink encourages collaboration with packaging industry companies for quality control! Visit the website www.labthink.com to learn more!

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